The Dayton Chapter American Sewing Guild agrees and supports Sensitivity.  We encourage sewists to share their passion of sewing.  Below is the Sensitivity Statement from the National American Sewing Guild and here is a link too.

“The American Sewing Guild (ASG) is committed to equal access and opportunity for all.  No person shall on the basis of age, race, color, religious creed, national origin or ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, disability or handicap be subject to discrimination whether in employment or any program or activity within ASG.

To foster the spirit of community within ASG and between ASG and the community at large, we will demonstrate respect and sensitivity toward one another through word and deed.  In any way representing ASG or participating in an ASG activity, we will not promote or endorse divisiveness regarding any of the above or any other area that may fall into the category of sensitive subject matter.  

What does this statement mean?  It means that as a nonsectarian, nonprofit organization, we, even more so, are behooved to be kind and considerate of others.  We have members of our organization as well as our communities who have different cultural backgrounds, different religious beliefs, and different abilities.  It is so easy to offend without intention; we will lessen the opportunity for that in insuring that nothing we do under the auspices of ASG can be in any way interpreted as exhibiting or endorsing any personal beliefs or prejudices.”

April 2003